Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy

It is a type of rehabilitation that increases activity of the upper extremity. Typically CIMT used to inhibit the unaffected arm in the patient with cerebral palsy (spastic hemiplegic) for most of the time while involving affected limb in a range of everyday living activity.

CIMT basically a technique applied when the child stops using his affected limb due to its unexpected activities. Child with spastic hemiplegic has less power on one side then other. He just doesn’t use his affected side due to its clumsy response and this neglecting behavior towards affected side make it more and more suppressed in activity. CIMT seeks to reverse this process.

As the result of engaging patient in repetitive activity of the affected limb brain develops new neural pathways. This change referred as cortical reorganization. This CIMT is more important in cerebral palsy with the child whose one limb is more affected then other.

CIMT may work on the damaged motor network. Although, due to the intensity of this treatment, patient who have suffered profound upper extremity paralysis from their condition are normally not eligible for constraint-induced upper extremity training.

Effect of CIMT is too good. It improves movement not only this improvement remains stable for months. This also increased functional activity of daily living of the affected limb. CIMT includes transfer package in this physiotherapist applies many strategies to make learn the activities outside the clinical setups. This includes first monitoring, needs to documents patients activity towards target behavior second problem solving, in which patient needs to solve problem of obstacles third one is behavior contracting, involves getting identify the components and methods carrying out normal behavior.

There are some limitations of the CIMT. If patient is not cooperative then it’s a great problem in CIMT, as patient is of severely affected. In case of balance problem CIMT process creates problem. In case of global aphasia and cognitive problem, communicating problem may be phased. CIMT technique is intensity based if patient can tolerate this intensity then its good otherwise it creates a problem. Lack of facility is also a great problem faced by patient and therapist. Combination of therapy and CIMT shows better result its unknown till. Over all CIMT is very beneficial and result giving. So its use is more in hemiplegic Childs.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Vocational Training

Vocational education is based on occupation and employment. Vocational education is education that prepares people for specific trades, crafts and careers at various levels from a trade, a craft, technician, or a professional position in engineering, accountancy, nursing, medicine, architecture, pharmacy, law etc. Craft vocations are usually based on manual or practical activities, traditionally non-academic, related to a specific trade, occupation, or vocation.

Vocational education may be classified as teaching procedural knowledge Increasingly, vocational education can be recognized in terms of recognition of prior learning and partial academic credit towards tertiary education (e.g., at a university) as credit; however, it is rarely considered in its own form to fall under the traditional definition of higher education.

Vocational education has diversified over the 20th century and now exists in industries such as retail, tourism, information technology, funeral services and cosmetics, as well as in the traditional crafts and cottage industries.

Vocational training in India is provided on a full-time as well as part-time basis. Full-time programs are generally offered through I.T.I.s industrial training institutes. The nodal agency for grant the recognition to the I.T.I.s is NCVT which is under the Min. of labor, Govt. of India. Part-time programs are offered through state technical education boards or universities who also offer full-time courses. Vocational training has been successful in India only in industrial training institutes and that too in engineering trades.

There are many private institutes in India which offer courses in vocational training and finishing, but most of them have not been recognized by the Government. India is a pioneer in vocational training in Film & Television, and Information Technology. AFT. Maharashtra State Government also offered vocational Diplomas in various Trades.

Vocational Higher Secondary schools are under MHRD in India. All the state governments run vocational schools. In kerala state 389 vocational schools are there with 42 different courses. Commerce & Business, Tourism, Agriculture, Automobile, Air conditioning, Live stock management, Lab Technician are some prominent courses.

In India vocational training also runs on private and on the NGO’s basis. Disables were given this training to make them capable to earn their livings. Vocational training given to these disables was like making candles, knitting, sewing, incense sticks,  paintings, etc. which they can do. These can help them to make them earn in this world. Various kinds of disables can do different kinds of work according to their disability.

Vocational training is must in rehabilitation. Complete rehabilitation means to prepare a disable into a capable person and execute in outside world.